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Providing high quality ophthalmic education and facilitating knowledge sharing has always been of utmost importance to Théa’s founders, the Chibret Family. So Théa supports the EBO organization and assist interns in preparing for their exam.


The diploma issued by the Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) is a test of excellence in ophthalmology. It was designed to assess the clinical knowledge and skills necessary to guarantee a high standard of eye care in public hospitals and independent clinics in Europe. The organization is under the responsibility of the training committee of the EBO and has the task of defining the basic knowledge and skills that European ophthalmologists should acquire during their training. The first exam took place in Milan in June 1995 and the following years it always took place in Paris. Since 2020, given the large number of participants, a second date has been inserted, in another city, for the EBO exam, in order to give the possibility to a greater number of people to register for the exam. 2021 will be fully online event. Candidates who take the exam come from all over Europe and the exam pass rate is 90 %.

Who can take the exam ? All doctors specializing in ophthalmology and graduates of the last year who are part of the European Community, can take the exam to obtain the EBO diploma.

The written test (MCQs-PAPER)
The written test consists of 52 multiple choice questions (MCQs) and is available in three languages: English, French and German.
The translation of the English versions into both other languages ​​is performed by native speakers of ophthalmology. After the translation, independent members of the EBO examination committee are checked for correctness to ensure there is no subtle difference in the translation.

The oral exam
The oral exam is divided into four individual interviews lasting 15 minutes each and each panel is composed of two examiners. The official language for taking the exam is English, but generally at least one examiner from each pair will be chosen to speak and understand, in the case of difficulty, the candidate’s native language.

The four topics of the oral interviews are:
– Optics, refraction, strabismus, pediatric ophthalmology and neuro-ophthalmology
– Cornea, external diseases, orbit and ocular adnexa
– Glaucoma, cataracts and refractive surgery
– Posterior segment, ocular segment, inflammation and uveitis

In each interview, emphasis will be placed on:
Data acquisition: based on the documents submitted to the candidate, this will have to recognize particular anomalies, ocular pathologies.
Diagnosis: the candidate’s ability to synthesize the histopathological, clinical and laboratory data necessary to arrive at a correct diagnosis will be evaluated.
Treatment: applicants will be required to provide a reasonable and appropriate plan for the medical and surgical management of patients with the conditions described above.
Detailed information on the oral examination procedure will be sent to all candidates immediately after registering for the exam.

EBO 2021
two EBO 2021 exam sessions are planned in digital format.
600 candidates are expected for the session of June 4th 2021 dedicated to the candidates of last year. 470 candidates are expected for the second session, on November 19th, 2021.

EBO 2022
It is planned to organize 2 exam sessions in Paris in May and October.
The EBO exam will be divided into 2 sessions with a multiple-choice quiz part and another part on the review of clinical cases.

Events See the full agenda
Congress • Online • 19 Nov 2021

EBO – European Board of Ophthalmology

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