12th Théa Trophy Contest – Last chance to send your case!

International Théa Trophy contest is to encourage presentation of an unpublished scientific case and communication skills for interns, fellows or residents in ophthalmology.
The 12th edition is open and cases could be submitted on Théa-trophy.com!
Extended date for submission has been given until SUNDAY, 20th October 2024!
This 2024-2025 TROPHY topic is “When Skin Conditions Impact Ocular Surface Health”. The event location and dates will be announced soon.
Terms of participation:
- Candidate has to be interns, fellows or residents in ophthalmology
- Candidate has to be the main author
- Clinical cases have to be anonymous
- Clinical case will fully fit the year’s topic
Concerning the awards:
The three winners will be invited twice at ARVO annual meetings : once at 2025 ARVO Théa’s symposium to present their case and the second time at 2026 ARVO submitting a poster of their case benefiting by Laboratoires Théa mentoring to prepare this poster.
All national winners from EU territories will be invited at EVER 2025 annual meeting in Europe. The National winners from countries outside of the EU territories will receive a national congress prize in their respective countries.